If you are a business who value the safety of your staff both at work and commuting get in touch and see what Cyclical Monkeys can do to support your cycling staff.

All Urban Commuter Training is tailored to the location of your business and the surrounds. All locations are fully risk assessed prior to the course. Training time is approximately two hours out on road, after which the Instructor is on hand to answer individual questions.

Cyclical Monkeys are based in the Midlands and so well situated to travel to any part of the UK to facilitate training.

Our Instructors are experienced DfT approved National Standard Instructors of long standing and hold Public Liability Insurance.

Cyclical Monkeys‘ Dominic Spitzer-Wong delivered a two hour intensive cycle training course with Giving their cycle commuting staff tips for safer, more enjoyable road cycling and an insight into, not only the Highway Code for cyclists, but also National Standards for cycle training.

When asked what the most useful part of the course was and their thoughts on the overall training, this is what they said –

‘Dom was a great coach an there was excellent energy throughout the training’

‘Learning about primary position and feeling confident in owning the road’

‘Getting assessed on the practical parts as we went along’

‘We really enjoyed it! Thank you’